Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Tanner is back in school now! The summer went by way to fast! He started back on August the 6th. I can't hardly believe that this is his 5th year at Lowes Elementary! He is learning so well, we are so excited! He is doing great on his reading and spelling words. He still hates to hold a pencil so he hates to write! He is also doing great on his math facts! Watching him learn is so exciting, every new thing he does is a huge milestone for us! Tanner is such a joy to Me and Dathan, life is so exciting with him! He is really starting to talk, and we love that! You never know what he is going to say!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your sweet words on my blog! I appreciate you checking in and commenting from time to time. It helps to know that others out there understand and "get" what I feel.


I didn't know I wanted a child with Down Syndrome until God gave me you.....Thank You God!!