Saturday, March 15, 2014

Standing on the Promises..............

I have so much I could blog about right now, I've thought about several things I could post about....from extreme frustrations, to anger, fears, and feelings of hopelessness. But I decided that that would not be uplifting to me, nor anyone that might read this blog. I know in times like these that those feelings are normal, but I do not want to dwell there and let them consume me. I also have some awesome things to blog about that the Lord has done for us this week! Before I start with that I do want to say this.....I have no doubt some have wondered why we had a trial 6 years after Perry's murder, I plan to do a story explaining all that and adding a (new page tab) I thought I had the first trial listed in "My Story" but realized that I did not.

Wednesday morning I woke up and felt like I had awoke from a horrible nightmare, unfortunately it was reality. Dathan and I both struggled to even go about the day normally....hardly no appetite, with food left uneaten on our plates. As evening drew closer I seriously considered staying home from church, I felt drained, but missing church is rarely an option for me so I decided to push past my feelings and go, I am so glad I went! God spoke to us the entire service. Our Choir sang "Through It All" which is one of my favorite songs. I have had many tears and sorrow's with questions for tomorrow-times I didn't know right from wrong-but in every situation God gave blessed consolation and my trials only come to make me strong-through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus- I've learned to trust in God! My cousin Scott got up and said he felt like reading Psalm 91, God spoke so strong thru him and it was confirmed to us. God spoke to us so greatly that night in different ways. (I am going to jump back to Monday) A great friend of mine named Kelli sent me a text message Monday morning that said "It looked like it was over on Friday-but Sunday was coming-what looks like defeat can be used as an open door to great victory" She had no idea what was going on, I had not told her. On Tuesday night I said "it's over" but this week when I go to prayer I just start saying "It looked like it was over on Friday-but Sunday is coming" (of course I know the Friday and Sunday was actually referring to the resurrection) but I feel that there is a promise hidden in that somewhere. On Tuesday morning while we were headed to the trial she sent a message that said, "Behind every cloud is sunshine-keep your head up-God has you" later on in the day while we were setting in the court room she sent "God is working" when the verdict was read I wanted to say God what about all the promises?  I knew I could not go there, I've seen God work enough to know that he works in ways that seem so strange to us, his ways are far above our ways.  On Thursday morning while I was praying I came across a song I have never heard by the Collingsworth Family called "It's not to late to pray" while listening to it I felt so strong that God was telling me that it looks hopeless-or so it seems-but its not to late to pray. Sis. Shirley sent me a message that said (you have 2 weeks to seek God-trust Him!) I have no idea what God is going to do but one thing I know for sure is that he has me in the palm of his hand. During the night Thursday night we were awaken out of our sleep by our alarm system, Tanner was in the room with us and the door to our room was locked. Our system was telling us that our living room motion had caused the alarm, I was terrified! We both loaded our guns and I called 911. I was literally shaking uncontrollably. We eventually decided that we should go check it out, I laugh now thinking about us creeping through the house with our guns, only to get in the living room and see a green balloon (from Tanners B-day party) hovering right in front of our motion. We were both like how did this happen to us tonight considering the week we have had, and the fear we have experienced. It scared me so bad and put such a fear in me, I felt like I had been picked up and set down in the life Perry and I lived while living beside that man, we had so many scary things happen to us, and even someone trying to break in through a window in the middle of the night. I told Dathan "I can't live like this again"! On Friday Morning Sharon (Perry's mother) sent me a message that said read Psalms 18:48. This morning Lori one of our church members sent me a message that said read Psalms 18. I immediately thought about the scripture that says (In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established) 2nd Corinthians 13:1. Later in the morning this morning I got a text from two different people at the exact same time and one text confirmed the other text. This evening my sister texted me and said that my niece Kailynne had went home from my house Tuesday night and opened up the Bible to Isaiah 54:14 she told her mom to read it, my sister didn't have to look for it-she opened right up to it. Ok I know that coincidence's do happen, but these things are no coincidence, God is working for me. I believe that I still have some extremely rough days ahead, but I believe that if I will trust in God, he will bring me to the other side of this with victory. I do not know how victory will come.....I honestly thought victory would be the jury finding Jones guilty of murder and putting him away for life. But I know I can't go there, I have to trust. I know this road is going to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride, it already has been. I am sure there will be days I will post my fears and maybe even worse feelings than that, but I do not plan on letting Satan steal my promises from me, I plan to fight this thing till the end! I could never list all the promises that God has gave me the last 2 1/2 years since this all started again, but I must have 100's of them, it has been amazing at the promises I have received! For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 2nd Corinthians 1:20 The definition of Promise is-a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen! I plan to stand on his promises!


  1. :-) What a blessing to read your attitude. Not very many people could look at God like you still do through everything you have been through. Sounds like He is really helping you. He has blessed you in so many ways. He loves you so much. God bless you friend. love ya

  2. I do not know how people even begin to survive these trying and rough times without God, I believe I would practically lose my mind. I am glad I know him! And yes you are so right, he has blessed me in so many ways! Love ya!!!!!

    1. I am with you, I don't know how life and trials I go through would be without God. I know when Sam and I lost Moses. It was hard, but God was with us the whole way. Sam and I said many times how much harder and hopeless that trail would have been without Jesus.


I didn't know I wanted a child with Down Syndrome until God gave me you.....Thank You God!!